Monday, April 25, 2011

Internet Dating . . .

Wow. What an excellent way to portray the dangers of online dating. Unfortunately, people do not take proper precautions when talking online to other people. Face-to-face conversation, especially when you first meet a person, is so important. A person cannot truly know another person's intentions if they do not have face-to-face contact.

Meeting another person on the internet is dangerous. There are so many pedophiles and creepers in the world and the internet allows them to thrive. This advertisement truly shows just how dangerous the internet can be. Maybe a person may be suave with his or her words, but that doesn't mean they are sincere about what they say.

Disgustingly Captivating

Driving and talking on a cellphone is such a problem in today's society. Although I often fall victim to this, it is something that should be taken very seriously. It is an issue that is brushed off by many people and not seen as important. However, this ad – while it is certainly disgusting – shows just how scary talking on the phone while driving can be.

As I said, yes, this ad is disgusting. But, it really gets the message across. The words "Don't talk while she's driving" written in blood, coming out of the phone, is honestly what makes this ad so surreal. This is such a dangerous thing to do, and the message needs to get across to people.

Hilariously Creative

One of my favorite board games is Clue. After seeing this ad, however, it quickly became my top favorite. This is such a creative idea. If I ever saw this in a bathroom, I would be dumfounded, and, honestly, would probably run straight to the store to buy a Clue board game. Advertising is really about the "wow" factor. This advertising tactic definitely has a plethora of wow in it. I could think of no better, more creative way to sell this game.

Another Nike Ad

Nike has such amazing ads. How cool is this picture? The reason I love this ad is because it is so creative. I would never have thought to take a picture of the same place and put the word Run with the Nike symbol in the bottom right corner.

From this ad, I can really tell how much effort Nike puts into its ad campaigns. It makes me like the company even more because I realize how hard it tries to show how great the company and product is. Creativity is key in advertising; therefore, Nike has an excellent advertising campaign.

Step Into Your Imagination

The "Become Someone Else" advertisement campaign is one of the best ads I have ever seen. In order to excite people to read books, the Love Agency ad company made this advertisement for Mint Vinety Bookstore. I think it is such a clever way to show how reading a book can take you away from reality and let you live someone else's life for a while. 

I absolutely love reading. It is such a great way to learn about life, to grow, to find oneself. Every time I read a book, I feel myself growing into the character. That is why I think this ad is so great. It actually illustrates a person becoming the book. I feel that this ad can make people want read and experience life with the character of a book.

Obesity is Suicide

This is an excellent obesity awareness ad. After thinking about it, this ad is extremely true: obesity is suicide. Being overweight is something a person can control. It is simple; as the ad suggests, cut out greasy, unhealthy foods, such as sausage links. Although being healthy and eating the right foods is not always the most food-satisfactory way to live, it is essential for living a long, happy life.

I thought this ad was so great because it uses the sausage links as a noose. Categorizing obesity as suicide is a great way to spread awareness. If a person can control his or her calorie intake, there is no need to be overweight and unhealthy. I appreciate this ad so much because of its creativity and uniqueness, and I feel as though there is no better way to depict obesity than through this picture.


When I saw this advertisement, I instantly found myself thinking aww, how precious. And, this is precisely what FedEx was aiming for when they made this ad. By having older hands – which suggests a grandparent – give the toy to younger hands – which in return suggests a grandchild, FedEx is portraying its company as loving and family-oriented. It is bringing people together.

This ad does a great job of using emotional elements. Although there is no one demographic that this company has to aim towards – people of all ages and ethnicities mail items – FedEx is aiming towards elderly people with this ad. They did a great job aiming towards this age group because most grandparents' pride and joy is their grandchildren. The fact that I instantly was touched by this picture shows the effectiveness of this advertisement. 

Condom Advertisements Never Cease to Shock

What is more uncomfortable and outrageous than a condom advertisement? There is no way to beat around the bush with this product. It is purely for sex. It is, in a sense, a taboo in our society. However, I thought this ad made a classy attempt to sell its product – I mean, as classy as a condom advertisement can be . . .

TOn the condom box, in the right, bottom corner, it says "Hansaplast Long Pleasure Condom." Obviously, this is a very suggestive picture.  However, it certainly makes its point. This ad shows that this condom is so amazing that it can make you last for "hours," since the woman must have been laying on the beach and received a beautiful tan from her sexual escapades. By using a bronzed, beautiful model, this ad suggests that if you use its product, you too could be as "pleased" and beautiful as her.

The Tragedy of Eating Disorders

One of the worst diseases is an eating disorder. It completely takes over the brain, eats away at one's heart and soul, and controls one's every action. When I saw this advertisement, I was certainly "wowed." It illustrates everything that an eating disorder does to a person.

This ad, a PSA for eating disorders, is disgusting. But, it is extremely necessary. Without the hard, cold truth, the message would not be portrayed as effectively. I feel it is so necessary to show such a vivid picture because it is the reality behind this disturbing disease. Yes, it is of the stereotypical blond, anorexic girl . . . but, is there really no better way to illustrate this disease than to associate it with the stereotype that people think of when they hear the word anorexic? Normally, I am not a fan of stereotypes, but I feel it works to the ads' benefit for this illustration.

It Is Always Painful.

Honestly, I have never viewed an advertisement that has affected me as strongly as this one. Abuse does not only deal with physicality. It is verbal. It is ugly. It is horrible.

This PA against verbal/physical abuse (domestic abuse) epitomizes everything that a woman feels. Not only is this showing how an abusive relationship deals with both verbal and physical, it also show how a strictly, verbal abusive relationship can affect another person. Verbal abuse not only wounds the soul, it punches the face. It hurts, terribly. I feel this advertisement encompasses everything that an abusive relationship is. I could never explain an abusive relationship better than this picture.

Foot Advertisement

At first, when I saw this ad, I thought this woman was caressing her baby. Then, I realized, it was her foot. After thinking about this for a while, I realized how great this advertisement is. A baby is seen as the softest, most beautiful creature on earth. Why wouldn't a person want her feet to be compared to a baby or have the same softness as a baby's skin? 

The fact that a woman's foot – obviously because of the lotion – is being compared to a baby is showing that her skin is fabulous. Every woman wants her feet to be softer than "a baby's bottom." That is why I feel this ad works so well.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Interesting . . .

Such a strange advertisement:

Hmmm . . . I found this quite strange. However, I also found it hilarious. What an excellent way to advertise a nose hair clipper! Making this billboard and providing electrical wires out of each nostril is ingenious. It is, obviously, an extremely catchy ad. 

When I saw this, at first I was disturbed. But, after looking at it, I realized there is truly no better way to advertise a nose hair clipper. This type of product is extremely odd and slightly disgusting. Therefore, especially in our society, there is no better way to handle this than to make a joke out of it. Because this is a hilarious advertisement, I would be more willing to buy this appliance. Nose hair scissors are actually important for men. They are necessary – very necessary. And. there is no better way than to make a joke out of it, since it is hilarious already within itself!

Softness Is Key.

Wow. This ad is amazing. I really appreciate the simplicity in ads, and this one certainly displays simplicity to its fullest. From crinkly to smooth, this ad shows how its company's product can make one's skin smooth as ever. Also, the fact that it is completely repetitive makes the ad even more amazing. You never want skin to feel like this – scratchy and wrinkly; however, you want it to feel like this. Both have the same emphasis on the same word; however, each word has a significant difference when spoken. And, when a person reads this, he or she can understand what the message is trying to express, which makes the ad extremely convincing, in the sense that it interprets the human thought process with the emphasis upon a certain word spoken.

Dogs Can Have Fat Rolls?

When I saw this ad at first, I didn't understand what it was aiming at. After looking at it, I realized it was extremely funny because the dalmatian has a plethora of fat rolls. Normally, a dog does not have this many fat rolls, or any rolls at all, especially this type of dog – it is known for its activeness. That is why this ad is so creatively hilarious and effective. No pet owner wants their dog to show sines of obesity – that would make them look as though they neglect their pet or do not give them enough exercise, which then could reflect on how much exercise they get themselves. That is why this ad is so great. It makes a pet owner realize how important a healthy, well-balanced meal is for their dog. Because in such a health-conscious society, as in America, it is essential for all people – and their pets – to look their best.

Some Advertisements Are Just Hilarious . . .

This advertisement, by CAT,  made me laugh. Often, I am affected by ads that are inflicted with emotions that entail sentiment and sadness. However, this ad really struck me in the fact that the idea of flying on top of an airplane is absolutely ludicrous. Even though I feel as though I may have to ride on top of the airplane if I'm late to catch my flight, I still find this advertisement extremely hilarious. 

Honestly, this ad just makes me want to take trains even more. Often times, trains take off later than planes do. Taking a train is much more relaxes than riding on a plan. There is no security check; there is not even a luggage check. I think this ad does justice to taking a train over a plane.

Just Do It

Nike always has amazing commercials. This one, however, really caught me off guard. Every time I work out, I think every single thing that is depicted in this advertisement. Although I constantly hear the slogan "Just Do It," I felt as though I finally understand the reason behind why I should actually act upon this slogan.

Everyone has pain, everyone has issues in life. This commercial explains this perfectly. Even professional basketball players feel the same way as I do when I workout. The fact that Nike used this to connect me to their brand makes this advertisement exemplary.

And I Love To Eat Pray Love

My favorite book, Eat Prat Love, was recently turned into a movie. I was incredibly excited about this. I could not only wait to see this movie, but I also was in love with the trailer for this movie. Advertisements were all over for Julia Robert's new movie. I had friends from across the United States – even from Europe – sending me pictures of the posters of Eat Pray Love. They were posted on bus stops everywhere. 

I was so excited to receive these; however, I was ecstatic when I watched the trailer:

This trailer, to me, is epic. It completely encompasses everything that the story is about. It truly is guided towards females between the ages of 17 to 45. The songs used in it describes the story. Most women who read this book are of a certain demographic: soul-searching, hopeful women. In a sense, most people who read this book were "free-spirited," in the fact that they wanted to experience their own spirituality, along with the narrator. The song in this trailer epitomized this very feeling. Florence + The Machine's "Dog Days Are Over" truly exemplifies the meaning to overcome one's hurt, to find oneself, and to become an entirely new person. I feel this commercial used all the right scenes, used the perfect music and helped the story come to life about a woman trying to find her place in life.

Reasons To Not Smoke

As I have stated previously, I was born with congenital heart disease. Although I am not a perfectly health-conscious person, I do realize the dangers of smoking. Obviously, I am an advocate for any anti-smoking campaign. Here are two campaign posters that really struck me:

These ads – provided by the Indian Cancer Society – are so powerful. Suicide is a horrible incident to ever have to deal with – whether that is dealing with a family member or
contemplating it within oneself. The fact that this ad correlates cancer
with suicide is so brilliant, for smoking truly is suicide. With today's technology, all people know the health issues that come along with it. I would have never thought to associate smoking with suicide. However, it is truly brilliant – it is one in the same. Today, all people who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day know that it is going to cause them serious harm. Therefore, it is suicide.

I also was very touched by the second ad with the skulls in place of the cigarette ash. This ad is extremely emotional because it truly shows how cigarettes can cause people to die. Smoking is not OK, and I feel the Indian Cancer Society did an excellent job of portraying this in a very effective way. 

Never Drink and Drive

I was truly blown away when I saw this ad. Since drinking and driving is such a problem in today's society, I thought this was an excellent way for an automobile brand to advertise itself. Nothing is more affective than using pathos in advertising. Emotion makes people feel more strongly for whatever is placed in front of them.

This advertisement really struck because of its usage of pathos. The picture in itself explains the entire story of an accident. Our society so throughly depends upon normalcy, and this picture of disabled is the complete opposite of what is desirable. I feel this advertisement makes BMW look like they truly "care" about their customers because they are campaigning against drinking and driving and showing what can happen when their product is used with poor judgement. People look up to companies who can admit when their product can have fault. Because this advertisement is aimed to "help" its consumers make good life choices, many people will be more inclined to buy a BMW.

And Apple Never Fails To Impress . . .

As we all know, Steve Jobs has done an excellent job promoting his company, Apple. His use of targeting a certain demographic has innovated his company to succeed beyond all other computer companies. Making products that relate to a certain demographic has allowed him to make his products appear to be "ahead of the curve." For example, people often believe themselves to be a progressive thinker because they own a Macbook. A commercial that exemplifies this is the businessman (PC user) versus the hipster, youthful college student (Mac user).  By displaying a PC user in this light, Apple implies that only older, "nerdy" people use PCs, while current, revolutionized people use Macs, i.e. they use the tactic "If you are cool, you'll use our product."

Here is an Apple ad that I found especially intriguing:

This ad perfectly depicts Apple's style of advertising. Not only does it use a popular celebrity (Justin Timberlake), it also uses interesting graphics to show how technologically advanced its iPod is. Also, I thought it was interesting that they not only made sure to use a celebrity, but also made sure to use a singer, since the product is primarily used for listening to music. Honestly, I am a sucker for this ad. Simply by looking at it, I am intrigued and find myself wanting to buy a new iPod just because the picture is so mesmerizing. That is why I feel this is such a powerful ad.

Modern Family Commercial

My all-time favorite show is "Modern Family." Not only is it hilarious, but it also has a great message: family is the most important aspect of life. This show has such high ratings because it always maintains the same jokes and hilarity.

This commercial epitomizes the show's humor:

After seeing this commercial, I could not stop laughing. I thought it did such a great job of showing the strange humor of the show. Because Phil Dunphey was the main character of this commercial, I think this definitely benefited the commercial. With his comical parenting tactics and strange antics, he is easily the funniest character on the show, and by using him in this commercial, it makes viewers want to watch the newest show even more. Therefore, this commercial did a great job advertising for "Modern Family."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"That's So Gay"

Although I showed this advertisement in class, I felt the need to share it again. The moment I saw this on t.v., I was simply blown away. Normally, ads are made purely for the company to profit from its product; however, this is a very different type of advertisement. Instead of selling a product, Wanda Sykes, the spokesperson – is selling an idea – the idea that saying "That's so gay" is not only not funny, but also extremely offensive. As I said, this type of ad is rarely made and is rarely run on television. I can not remember the date or television station I saw it air on, but I do know that it was during primetime television. The fact that people are willing to spend money to spread awareness for a great cause makes me feel extremely thankful for the advertisement business. Too often a company sells a product only for money; too little does it actually care about its consumers. Not only was this ad not intended to gain profit, but it also was made to explain the importance of accepting everyone for who he are she is. And, to me, there is nothing more wonderful than spreading equality.