Sunday, April 24, 2011

Never Drink and Drive

I was truly blown away when I saw this ad. Since drinking and driving is such a problem in today's society, I thought this was an excellent way for an automobile brand to advertise itself. Nothing is more affective than using pathos in advertising. Emotion makes people feel more strongly for whatever is placed in front of them.

This advertisement really struck because of its usage of pathos. The picture in itself explains the entire story of an accident. Our society so throughly depends upon normalcy, and this picture of disabled is the complete opposite of what is desirable. I feel this advertisement makes BMW look like they truly "care" about their customers because they are campaigning against drinking and driving and showing what can happen when their product is used with poor judgement. People look up to companies who can admit when their product can have fault. Because this advertisement is aimed to "help" its consumers make good life choices, many people will be more inclined to buy a BMW.

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