Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dogs Can Have Fat Rolls?

When I saw this ad at first, I didn't understand what it was aiming at. After looking at it, I realized it was extremely funny because the dalmatian has a plethora of fat rolls. Normally, a dog does not have this many fat rolls, or any rolls at all, especially this type of dog – it is known for its activeness. That is why this ad is so creatively hilarious and effective. No pet owner wants their dog to show sines of obesity – that would make them look as though they neglect their pet or do not give them enough exercise, which then could reflect on how much exercise they get themselves. That is why this ad is so great. It makes a pet owner realize how important a healthy, well-balanced meal is for their dog. Because in such a health-conscious society, as in America, it is essential for all people – and their pets – to look their best.

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